


Champagne towers are a relatively new trend in weddings, where glasses are stacked to create a tower-like structure and champagne is poured into the top glass, causing the liquid to flow down the tower and fill each glass. This creates a visually stunning display and adds a touch of glamour to the wedding reception. 


The practice is said to have originated in medieval Europe, where champagne was seen as a symbol of wealth and luxury. The custom was popularized in the 19th century, particularly among the upper classes, as a way to celebrate and display their status. Today, champagne towers are still used as a way to celebrate special occasions, such as weddings, graduations, and New Year’s Eve celebrations. 


However, creating a champagne tower can be challenging and may require a professional to ensure that the tower is built safely and properly. Additionally, champagne towers are not suitable for all venues, so it’s important to check with your venue before planning one for your wedding. Whether or not you choose to include a champagne tower, the most important aspect of your wedding is to have a day that reflects your unique personalities and tastes.


30 glasses


55 glasses


wine barrel + tower
